The 2 letters in your serial number(PV) stand for the year 1985.That is the year of production of your Browning shotgun.
The browning citori serial number that you supplied indicates that your browning citori was made in 1982.
The letters PV in your serial number stand for the year 1985.This is the year of production.
The RP that is found in the middle of your serial number indicates that your browning citori was made by browning in 1978.
You are furnishing an incomplete serial number. Citori is a model of Browning.
With the serial number suffix of S4,this indicates that your Browning Citori Lightning was made in Belgium for Browning in the year 1964.
On the receiver.
You will have to call Browning to find out.
No such serial number used in the Citori line.
You will have to call Browning. That model number is not published.
It's a 2007 Citori Browning.