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Q: What Is the difference between all incoming radiation and all outgoing radiation?
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Related questions

What balance between incoming and outgoing energy is called?

The balance between incoming and outgoing energy is called radiation balance.

What is the balance between incoming and outgoing energy called?

The balance between incoming and outgoing energy is called radiation balance.

The balance between incoming and outgoing energy is called?

The Radiation balance

What is net radiation surplus?

Net radiation, or net flux, is the balance between the incoming and outgoing energy here on Earth. It is the amount of energy that has influence over the climate.

What is radiational balance?

Radiation balance is the balance between incoming energy and outgoing energy

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What is the balance between incoming solar energy and outgoing energy radiated into space called?

According to scientists, the balance between incoming solar energy and outgoing energy radiated into space is considered the earth energy budget.

Is the balance between incoming radiation and outgoing heat called radiation balance?

Is the equation of incoming and outgoing thermal radiation. Incoming radiation or solar radiation is called short wave and the radiation emitted from the earths surface and atmosphere (heat radiation) is in the infra -red spectrum and is known as long wave radiation.

What is the heat budget?

Is the balance between incoming short wave solar radiation (infra) and outgoing long wave solar radiation (TERESTRIAL) to avoid over cooling and overheating of the atmosphere.

What is heat budget?

Is the balance between incoming short wave solar radiation (infra) and outgoing long wave solar radiation (TERESTRIAL) to avoid over cooling and overheating of the atmosphere.

What will be the effect of methane on the balance between incoming and outgoing radiation on Earth?

Methane is a greenhouse gas and it absorbs infrared radiation that is remitted from the earth. As it absorbs the radiation it is stopping it from being re-radiated to space thus warming the earth.

The balence between incoming and outgoing energy is called what?
