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2 3/4" #8 or 9 shot target loads. 1 or 1 1/8 0z. of shot.

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Q: What 12 gauge shell is best for trap and skeet shooting?
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What is the best shotgun shell for shooting ducks?

The best shotgun shell for shooting ducks is a 3 to 3 1/2 inch 12 gauge with number 2 shot.

What shotgun is best for skeet shooting?

It is very recreational and great activity where participants using shotgun shooting chokes. It is one of the three major disciplines of clay pigeon shooting, sporting clays and trap shooting. There are many types of skeet which include Olympic skeet or international skeet. It is designed to be a 30-inch circle at 21 yards distance.

Which choke is best when hunting ducks?

Improved cylinder or larger. Actually alot of folks do very well with a skeet gun.

Who invented trap and skeet?

Trap shooting has been around since the late 18th century when real birds were used, usually pigeons, as practice for bird hunters. Skeet shooting was invented by Charles Davis of Andover, Massachusetts in the 1920s as a sport called Clock Shooting. The game was introduced to the public by a sporting magazine in the 1926. They offered a prize for the best name for the new sport. The winning entry was "skeet."

What choke to use on a 12 gauge shotgun?

It all depends no what you are shooting. You can find many websites that discuss chokes and the applications of which is best for what type of shooting you are doing.

What is best choke tube when shooting buckshot from a Charles Daly 20 gauge pump?

modified or cylinder - get both and try them out

How do you become a better skeet shooter?

You can't be a better skeet shooter unless your name is Max Roeske. Then you're already the best!!!!!!!!! --- Viagra

If you're hunting small what are the best two chokes?

That will depend on what you are hunting, what gauge you are using and what load you are shooting. As a very general rule, modified and improved.

What is the best shell to use for home defense with 20 gauge shotgun?

There is no one answer. Try different loads and see which ones you are competent with then do penetration tests.

When was Best of Shooting Star created?

Best of Shooting Star was created in 2001.

Which is the best website for shooting games?

the best website for shooting games are

Can anyone give me some info about a over and under 20 gauge b c miroku shotgun 355 272 im just wanting to know the age and what sport its made for skeettraphunting please i tried to find info?

What your gun would be best at depends on what chokes the gun has. You can make about any gun ok for trap or skeet by picking the right shells. For sure your gun was built to hunt with and should work ok for all shooting sports if you are just shooting for fun and not trying to become the world champ. The Browning Citori is based on your gun.