It is normal to experience some bleeding after a hysterectomy. If the bleeding has become a concern, contact your physician right away.
There are many reasons for vaginal bleeding. They range from irritation or tear during sex, to any of a number of conditions. If you have not had harsh sex, and you are 20 years post-hysterectomy, or even if you have not had a hysterectomy but you cannot account for the bleeding, you should see a doctor.
we don't know none of us are doctors here are you that dumb would be my question to ask about you?
we don't know none of us are doctors here are you that dumb would be my question to ask about you?
Not that i know of.. Its impossible to bleed whilst swimming anyway but i dont know whether when you get out it just starts bleeding. Its beyond me.
No, you do not need this after a hysterectomy. Some women have had these put in to aid previous incontinence, but for quite a few women, this has not worked out. You might just have the hysterectomy and consider the other at a later time. Get a second opinion.
There are instances of vaginal bleeding for long periods of time during pregnancy. However, it would depend upon how much bleeding; just spotting would be fine, but it is doubtful if bleeding occurs every day in large amounts.
women who suffer from excessive or prolonged bleeding during their menstrual cycle but can not or do not wish to undergo a hysterectomy, another option would be Endometrial ablation
Not all vaginal bleeding is menstruation - it's unlikely she's experiencing menstruation twice in a month. Irregular bleeding is a common symptom of ovarian cysts, but we can't tell you if this is the cause of your daughters irregular bleeding - her doctor would need to confirm this.
I don't know exactly what would cause vaginal bleeding in a 3 year old, but I would treat it as an emeregency and get her to a doctor immediately! if you don't get a satisfactory answer the first time around, find another doctor!
Go see your doctor as soon as possible, call them right now. It could be a cervical change that can cause vaginal bleeding. Vaginal bleeding can also be a symptom of ectopic (tubal) pregnancy. Another cause for bleeding during pregnancy is a miscarriage although the first two reasons for bleeding are more common, it is still a good idea to contact your doctor. ANSWER GO TO THE HOSPITAL IMMEDIATELY I know this statement was made a while back but for anyone else, the commonest cause of bleeding in mid-late pregnancy is the low lying placenta (placenta previa) A cervical change is possible, an ectopic would present at around six weeks, and you don't always bleed, You would not have a miscarriage at this staGe (only prior to 20 weeks) it would be pre-term labor.
The most basic test would be a taste test (I know, disgusting but it works). Period blood and blood from vaginal bleeding look the same, but taste completely different. Period blood is sweet tasting (because of the abundance of hormone in it) and vaginal blood is copper tasting. Hope this helped.