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Yes, they were. They were used for sex at earlier times around the 1500's. They mainly used them for sex on boats traveling across the seas. Captains and sailors used the women for sex but the men were never used for that purpose.

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Q: Were there slaves in the 1800's in America used for sex?
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What did African woman do when they were brought to America?

They'd work in the fields, farming or be used as sex slaves by their owners.

What forms of slavery still exist in America today?

sex slaves

What purpose are slaves used for today?

Today, slaves are usually victims of the sex trade.

What does Trafficking in persons involve exploiting people for?

For the most part human trafficking involves women and children who are used as sex slaves. Today, there are 25 million slaves and most are used in the sex trafficking and porn industry.

Where are most slaves today?

There are 25 million slaves around the world today ( including the United States) and a majority of them are children and women as sex slaves. Isis has taken a lot of women as slaves and in Southeast Asia many children are used as sex slaves. China has slaves that are forced to work in work farms.

Are there still slaves in Egypt?

yes there is still slaves like sex slaves or in prison. a slave is usually a person who works without pay. there are plenty of slaves in America because there are backcountries and they are still racism in a lot of places.

What was the policy on same-sex marriage in the 1800s?

Marriage in the 1800s was limited exclusively to opposite-sex couples.

Are there stiil slaves in the US?

Unfortunately the answer is Probably Yes, there Are Still slaves in the United States of America. Many people were probably smuggled into the USA to be sex slaves and illegal farm and factory workers. Slavery in the USA is probably in the dozens or a few hundred slaves, but, Yes, there are probably some people who are still enslaved in the nation for purposes of sex or labor in the fields and factories.

How many slaves did Rhode Island have?

sex sex

What do you think were the most important long term consequences of Columbus encounter in America?

Disease was the most important long term consequence of Columbus's in America. This comes from trading in sex slaves.

What slaves were used for?

Slaves were used for many different things such as, picking cotton, dishes, crops, cleaning, or sex, there were many different uses. Pretty much they would do whatever you made them do if you were the slave owner.

IS there slavery in the US now?

Yes there is; today this is called human trafficking. Most slaves in America are not American but smuggled or imported from poor countries or countries in upheaval. These slaves are usually employed in the sex trade or domestic service.