Try egunparts, gun shops, gun shows, want ads, for sale ads, estate sales, garage sales, Shotgun News, on line auctions.
Medela provides spare parts and accessories for their breast pumps through their website. These parts are also available for purchase at specialty baby stores like Babies "R" Us.
Precision Small Arms, Inc. ( maintains the only known inventory of virtually every Baby Browning part in some cases dating back to 1931 - including Baby Browning grips. The parts were transferred to this company on or about 1983 when it began production of the Baby Browning pistol under license to Fabrique Nationale (FN) of Herstal, Belgium. Precision still has large quantities of every Baby Browning part. It sells these parts on its own website and resells them through Gun Parts Corporation (, various worldwide distributors and dealers.
Baby Browning.
Try gun shows, on line auctions, pawn shops, gun stores, want ad
If two people cannot have a child due to infertility, cloning could give them a baby. BUT ! if this baby is used for spare parts , it should NEVER be allowed or legal
You will have to call Browning to find out.
Emily Browning
100-600 USD
Yes, usually. the 6.35mm is generally called the Baby Browning, however there was a model called the 1905 "vest model", which was also chambered for 6.35