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No, none were.

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Q: Were any of the us presidents openly gay?
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How many us senators were openly gay?


Do you get military discharge for being gay?

A person cannot be discharged from the U.S. military for being gay.

Approximately how many gay men are there in the US?

openly gay one quarter the poplutaion

How many US senators are gay?

as of 2014, the only openly gay US senator is Tammy Baldwin, elected in 2012.

Which us President had the first gay vice President?

There has never been an openly gay vice president.

Has any us president ever be drafted into the nomination for president?

I am not quite certain how you define "drafted", but there were presidents who did not openly campaign for the nomination. Among these were Washington, Taylor, Pierce , Grant and Eisenhower.

Was there any presidents from Louisiana?

NO- there have not been any US presidents who have lived in Lousiana.

Who was the only gay president of the us and who was his partner?

There has never been an openly (or otherwise known) gay president. Buchanan is suspected, but he didn't have a partner that we know of.

Wars were homosexuals banned from?

they were never banned from any wars. Gay people have fought in all wars. They just couldn't serve openly in the US military until 2011.

Was there any presidents from Maryland?

No US presidents have been from Maryland.

What was the US Supreme Court decision on gay people in the military?

The US Supreme Court overturned Don't Ask Don't Tell on September 20, 2011. All gay people are allowed to serve openly in the military.

Were there ever any ineligible US Presidents?

If you're asking whether any US Presidents were constitutionally ineligible to hold office, the answer is no.