Get pregnant.
No. Hormones start/stop periods and nothing you eat or drink stops or starts them.
No a pineapple will not make your period come sooner
There are no safe sensible ways to stop your period for one night. If you know in advance, go to your GP and get the pill to regulate your period. Do not try taking old wives remedies, they are not always safe.
It is not recommended to abruptly stop your period mid-flow as it can disrupt your menstrual cycle and lead to complications. If you have concerns about your period, it is best to speak to a healthcare provider for advice on how to manage it safely.
No it doesnt
There is no way to end your period earlier, no matter what age. Your period will end when it is suppsed to end, nothing that you eat will make your period end any sooner and there is no reason or need to end your period sooner.
Economic growth will sooner or later slow down or stop altogether
Yes it will work and yes it will stop your period from coming.I've done it many times.When you do decide to take it off you will have your period as if you would normally taking it off every 4th week.I've done it stopping my period up to 2 months,but sooner or later your period will come even if you keep putting the patch on if you putit off for too long.
Through death - yes, everyone sooner or later stops smoking.
You can warn people sooner before happens, but you can't stop them