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Toilet paper was obviously made after the toilet! If you don't have a toilet, what would you need toilet paper for?

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Q: Was toliet paper made before or after the toilet?
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Related questions

What is toliet paper made out of?

Toilet paper is typically made from wood pulp, which comes from trees like spruce or pine. The pulp is processed and then formed into thin sheets that are soft and absorbent for use in personal hygiene. Some brands also incorporate recycled paper to make their toilet paper products.

Is all recycled toilet paper made from used toilet paper?

Recycled toilet paper is made from used paper. It isn't made from used toilet paper. That would be gross.

What are ten products made of trees in Canada?

wood,pencials, gum,paper and toliet paper

In what year were toilet paper made?

Toilet papers were made in 1843.

Why did swers matter to rome?

because the had toliets and the toliet paper was made out of sponge and a stick

What are sparkle paper made of?

Recycled toilet paper

Is toilet paper a solid?

Yes, toilet paper is a solid material. It is typically made from paper pulp and has a fibrous texture that allows it to absorb liquids.

Why is toilet paper made of paper?

Because plastic is not absorbent.

What are sparkle paper towels made of?

Recycled toilet paper

Is toilet paper made from cotton?

Toilet paper is typically made from a combination of materials, including wood pulp and recycled paper. Cotton is not commonly used in the production of toilet paper due to its high cost compared to other materials.

What was the first Toilet paper made of?

The first toilet paper was made of hemp and wool in China around the 2nd century BC. It wasn't until the late 19th century that toilet paper made from wood pulp became widely available.

Has a toilet paper log been made in China already?

I don't think toilet paper logs were made in China(at least so far