Of course there was. If you have ever read one of Mark Twain's best written books, Huckleberry Finn, the book has a lot to do with slavery in 1884. Not so certain about in the South. Research could answer your question though.
The south was against slavery.
Actually the NORTH was against slavery, and the SOUTH wanted slavery.
yes slavery was good for the south
The South favoured slavery
Both had slavery, the south just had it for longer.
The south was against slavery.
Actually the NORTH was against slavery, and the SOUTH wanted slavery.
yes slavery was good for the south
The South favoured slavery
They did not want slavery in the south they wanted to be apart of slavery.
Both had slavery, the south just had it for longer.
Yes. The South was pro-slavery, while the North was anti-slavery. Hope this helps!
the north didnt want slavery but the south want slavery
The Union (North) was against slavery while the Confederate (South) was against slavery.
the north have slavery but the south did have slavery
Great, but the south didnt fight for slavery
The North South conflict in the United States of America was over slavery. The South wanted slavery and the North wanted to abolish slavery.