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The answer depends on your definition of 'blacks'. If you mean Africans, the answer is most definitely 'yes.' For example, research the Moors or Barbary Coast pirates (or Arabs, Muslims, and Egyptians).

Just an example (from a reliable source): According to the BBC's site:

"A few years ago, the remains of a mysterious ship were discovered just off Salcombe in Devon, along with a huge hoard of treasure. This treasure links the ship to a time, 400 years ago, when people were taken from villages all along the south coast of Britain - to be sold into slavery. Salcombe today is a peaceful holiday town, but it was very different picture 400 years ago. Back then, pirates from North Africa's Barbary Coast were making daring raids all along Britain's southern shores - and they weren't just stealing loot."


"In 1631, almost the whole of the village of Baltimore in Ireland was captured and shipped off to Africa and sold into slavery."

This went on for some 200 years, and experts estimate a million or more Whites were enslaved.

Keep in mind, though, that the peoples of North Africa are not as dark-skinned (on average) as sub-Saharan Africans, although many were/are 'black' by most people's standards. The limited direct interaction between sub-Saharan Africans with Whites pretty much precluded any enslavement on their part. They did enslave each other, and some of those were eventually traded to blacks who took them to the coast and sold them to White slave traders.

I am sure there are many who would argue that the answer to your question is 'no' since white enslavement by dark-skinned, sub-Saharan blacks was rare or non-existent. You need to refine your question.


My theory Blue blood is black blood (1500-1789) by Egmond Codfried, found in Google, states that during this period Europe was dominated by a black and coloured noble and royal elite. Blue blood was a euphemism for black blood. The many references to Moors in western art and heraldry symbolise blue blood. There are descriptions of kings and nobles which state they were black, brown, true mulatto face, basané (dark brown), chimney sweeper, black as chimney, swarthy, bad complexion, very dark etc. Yet they are shown as whites. this means we are looking at a revisionism of history. The acrimonious nature of racism suggests a recent confrontation between whites and blacks. This points to the French Revolution (1789-1794) when Europe liberated itself from black superiority and then white washed history. Today European museums show fake, whitened propagandistic images of an elite which was described as black and coloured.

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Q: Was there a time in history when whites were enslaved by blacks?
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