Some inspiration may have come from the StG-43/44, but the AK is a very different design.
no, it was made for the Russian Army, it was based off the stg44 that was a German gun.
Stg44 is the first..
Kalashnikov does not make airsoft guns, he designed the firearm they are based off of. the 'k' in "AK47" is for Kalasnikov.
It was first introduced to the Wehrmacht in October of 1943.
The Browning. No Contest there.
there is no ak47 in bad company 2.
no. BUT there is a Ak47u which is the smaller version of an ak47.
The AK47 was invented by Mr.Kalishnakov, In the Soviet Union.
click google and then click images and type ak47
stg44, mp40, panzershreck, karabiner,
Ak47 dgi-c you can get when you reach first Lieutenant black....(ak47 dgi-c has less ammo than other ak's)