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over the counter meds to take instead of vistaril

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1mo ago

If you're looking for over-the-counter options for anxiety relief, consider trying natural supplements like melatonin, valerian root, or passionflower. These can help promote relaxation and improve sleep quality without a prescription. Be sure to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new medication or supplement regimen.

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Q: Was taking vistaril for anxiety after detox which is the best over the counter meds to take instead of vistaril?
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If you want your symptoms to return, you can stop taking your medication. However, you should inform your doctor so they know you're not taking it any longer.

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Alcohol consumption while using Vistaril should be discouraged. Vistaril may cause drowsiness, dizziness, and confusion which would be additive to those effects caused by the alcohol. Even if a patient found that each agent alone did not cause these effects, adding them can cause an unexpected and severe adverse event.

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Well, you will obviously do better on the test.

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Do hydroxyzine works for panic attacks?

It depends on the kind of performance. Hydroxyzine (Vistaril) is a first-generation antihistamine that is also used to reduce anxiety and help people get to sleep. It does make you drowsy and less alert, so it is hard to imagine it helping much with the performance, although it could help with the anxiety. There are much better choices, including counseling instead of drugs. Before taking hydroxyzine, you should tell your doctor if you have ever had: * epilepsy or another seizure disorder; * asthma, emphysema, or another breathing problem; * glaucoma; * heart disease or high blood pressure; * stomach ulcer, or blockage in your stomach or intestines; * thyroid disorder; * enlarged prostate or problems with urination; * liver disease; or * kidney disease.