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The Quaker/ Purtains religion didn't allow for slaves, but the first slave was in 1619 in Jamestown.

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Q: Was slave trade still going on in 1850 in Plymouth Rock?
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How was the existence of slave trade?

still going on today

Was the Atlantic Slave Trade the first kind of slave trade occurring in Africa?

No. Slavery and the slave trade had been going on in Africa for centuries before the Atlantic Slave trade came into being.

Who stoped slave trade?

The slave trade has not been stopped - there are still slaves in parts of the modern world.

How long did the slave trade take?

The slave trade started before recorded history and is still happening today

Does the slave trade still exist today?

yes it does

Where is the slave trade now?

I think that it is still in Africa

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What parts of Europe still had slavery when Christopher Columbus started the slave trade to the Americas?

When did the slave trade finnish?

to be honest it was 1807 when the british government abolished the slave trade but it carried on to 1886 and still happens now there are still people in countries who are forced to be slaves!

How long did the slave trade last?

The slave trade has not been abolished, it is still happening today.

Why was slavery still happening after the slave trade ended?

because sadly it still is

When did the slave trade end?

The slave trade has not ended. Some countries have made legislation against it but it is still happening in many places.

What forms of trade replaced the slave trade in west Africa?

peanuts , timber, hides, and palm oil replaced the slave trade in west africa.