The man with the golden gun
There is no possible way of determining when a person will die. Muammar Gaddafi was shot and killed on October 20th, 2011 in Sirte, Libya. He later died of his wounds.
The duration of The Golden Shot is 3600.0 seconds.
The Golden Shot ended on 1975-04-13.
The Golden Shot was created on 1967-07-01.
Muammar al-Gaddafi was killed Thursday, October 20 in Surt. His hometown fell to Libyan fighters in a bloody battle. Al Jazeera posted a video showing the dead body of Gaddafi surrounded by celebrating Libyans.
To hear the gun shot at the start of the race
to get the golden shot gun you need to complete the game on any difficulty doing that will unlock the cheats menu however there are no cheats in it you have to complete time trials complete all the lost island time trials to unlock the golden shotgun and the dual silver mini smg's the golden shot gun has infinite bullets and is a one shot kill gun however you do have to reload but it has 64 rounds before you have to reload so you'll be fine with bosses when you shoot them with it it will immediantly fill their rage meter. just incase your intrested I'll also tell you about the dual silver mini smg's they have infinite ammo but are not a one shot kill weapon instead they do double damage than the standard smg's
There is no patron saint of gun shot injuries.