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Q: Was eve pregnant by the serpent?
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What was eve promised by the serpent?

The serpent Satan, told Eve that if she ate the fruit she would be wise as god.

How do you use surpent in a sentence?

The word is spelled serpent. Adam and Eve were tricked by a serpent.

What does a serpent represent?

A serpent represents temptation. This is a representation that comes from the biblical story of the Garden of Eden, with the serpent tempting Eve.

What animal lied to Eve in the bible?

A 'serpent', typically thought of to be the snake, who was controlled by Saitin

What were the 3 attractions Satan used to tempt eve?

Satan never tempted Eve, a serpent did in the story of Adam and Eve.

Who was present when the serpent tempted Eve to eat of the forbidden fruit?

God, Adam Eve and satan

Who made Eve eat the apple?

In the Bible, the serpent, often associated with Satan, tempted Eve to eat the forbidden fruit, not allowing her to resist the temptation.

In his temptation of Eve the devil is called the what?

The devil was called a serpent.

The devil and the origin of sin?

He was the serpent in the Garden, who tempted Eve.

Did demons exist when Adam and Eve lived?

Yes, Satan the demon was the one who deceived Eve. He was the serpent.

What happen to Satan after he gave the apple to eve?

In the creation story found in Genesis, a serpent tempted Eve to eat the forbidden fruit. The serpent was then condemned by God to slither on the ground. It was never specifically stated that the serpent was Satan, although most assume that was the case.

Why do you think some people refer to the serpent as the tempter?

because in the bible the serpent was the devil and tied to tempt adam and eve