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Being gay has never ever been a bad thing; however, in the 1800's it was illegal in most countries.

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Q: Was being gay bad in the 1800s?
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Why do some people use gay as an insult?

They were taught that being gay is bad.

Who Agrees Being Gay isn't BAD?

your dads a bender

How do a boy and a boy get marriy?

Two boys don't get married. That is called being gay. Being gay is bad and gross and should not exist.

Is being gay a good or bad thing?

truly its up to you but i think that it's not a bad thing at all. i think that being gay is no different than man and a woman in love:P but every one has their own opinion.

Is it bad for kids to be gay?

Short answer: No. First of all, people don't have a choice about being gay. It's like being blond-haired or tall: it just happens. Of course, a lot of people don't like gay people and they might pick on the gay kid. That's not fun, but it's not the gay kid that's being "bad" -- it's the people who tease!

Is being gay in the bible bad?

There is no mention in the bible about being gay. Certain sexual behaviors are prohibited, but the concept of sexual orientation was not known in ancient times.

How do you plan revenge on the person who said Narnia is gay?

Since being gay is not a bad thing, you have no reason to take revenge.

Why did Ellen chose being gay after a bad father abuse?

Because her father was of course a male and she had had bad experiences with those, so I would assume that's why she's a gay.

Is it bad your teacher says being gay is wrong?

Yes. The reason is that being gay is not a choice. And a person just can't be born "wrong". It doesn't work like that.

What does Katie shone mean?

'Gay Dodger' In otherwords, if you are called Katie Shone you can easily spot a gay or lesbian person, not a bad skill. If you are called Katie Shone, you have more chance of being gay/lesbian. 'Gay Dodger' In otherwords, if you are called Katie Shone you can easily spot a gay or lesbian person, not a bad skill. If you are called Katie Shone, you have more chance of being gay/lesbian.

Would it be worse to be gay or marry your 2nd cousin?

it would be worse to marry your secound cousin. being gay is not a bad thing

Boys when did you find out that you were gay i am scared that when i am old enough i will be gay is it bad being gay?

No its not bad to be gay but if you are still worried about it only 10% of the male population is gay i myself am gay and i find that their are people who do not approve if you are gay and just are not admitting it in this question don't worry you probably shouldn't tell you parents but you will find people who accept it and remember its just fine