willa cather was not a lesbian, because she did not have any sexual relationships with women, all though she did have relationships with women
Willa Cather's birth name is Cather, Willa Sibert.
Willa Cather was born on December 7, 1873.
Willa Cather was born on December 7, 1873.
Willa Cather House was created in 1878.
Willa Cather Birthplace was created in 1850.
willa cather had no sisters or brothers and she had a lot of friends and she had no husband
According to information that is available on the internet there are many references to Willa Cather. The information provides states that Willa Cather was an American author of some popularity.
Willa Cather died on April 24, 1947 at the age of 73.
In the novel "My Ántonia" by Willa Cather, Ántonia marries Cuzak, a fellow immigrant farmer from Bohemia. They settle down together and start a family.
Willa Cather
Willa Cather was born on December 7, 1873 and died on April 24, 1947. Willa Cather would have been 73 years old at the time of death or 141 years old today.
The phone number of the Willa Cather Branch Library is: 402-444-4851.