This is his first Christmas party when employed with Fezziwig. It was the very first time that Scrooge had been in an environment where Christmas was celebrated, we see and hear of his reaction when revisited with the Ghost of Christmas mas Past.
sad, mad, happy sad, mad, happy sad, mad, happy
Sad is the opposite of happy emotion. It is a feeling of not happy and is the antonym of the former.
The opposite of the word 'sad' is happy!
No they do not, When you are happy or sad different neurons fire making you feel happy or sad.
Happy Sad was created on 1969-07-10.
Happy- happy sad- sad crying- sad laughing-happy mad- angry
Uncaring, Sad, Grumpy, Frightened, Cheerful, Happy, Giving, Needy, Questioned, Confused.
it is sad and happy
Well the happy holidays are happy, and sad holidays are sad.
Your memories or thoughts of a person who is no longer in your life. These memories can bring you happiness when you are sad because they remind you of the good times, but they can also make you sad when you are happy because they highlight their absence.