This was a pretty much a vote on pro-slavery or anti-slavery.
How did the Kansas act lead to growing hostility between pro-slavery and anti-slavery supporters
He cant be. Thomas Jefferson was a Democratic Republican. Thomas Jefferson began as an Anti-Federalist. During the Presidency of George Washington, he was a member of the 'Opposition' faction. Eventually he joined the Republican party - not to be mixed up with the Republican party that was established 1856-today. These republicans were referred to as 'Democrats' by the Federalists, who thought their ideals were more mob-rule than true republicanism. Today they are sometimes called the Jeffersonian Republicans. This even, does not quite fit, since the party underwent many changes. IE, in 1825, the two parties were considered 'Jackson Democrats and the 'Adams Republicans'. By 1829, The Republicans/Jefferson's party had become the "Democratic Republicans" (The name that still sticks today in referring to his party). The Adams Republicans had become the "National Republicans." By 1835 or so, the Democratic Republicans had dropped the Republic and just become "Democrats". The National Republicans had become the "Whigs." In 1850, when the Democratic Party won the Missouri compromise, a major pro-slavery battle, the Whigs lost their prominence. Most Whigs joined with several other minor parties to form the "Republicans" (The republican party of today), while some joined the Democrats. The Republicans became a major thorn in the side to the pro-slavery Democrats, launching their first platform in 1856 focusing primarily on civil rights. So to answer your question more succinctly: He was an anti-Federalist/Opposition/'Republican' (In the sense of what became later the Democratic Republicans or Democrats or 'Jeffersonian Republicans', not modern Republicans.)
The Republican Party was formed by former anti-slavery Whigs. The Whig party had grown factions like the rest of the country, so there were both pro and anti slavery Whigs. The anti-slavery Whigs felt their cause was too important to be in a party which only offered partial support for the cause, so they took the opportunity to form a new party that placed anti-slavery at its forefront.
Because the party that he started out in (the Whig Party) had dissolved.Lincoln helped to create the shape of the Republican PartyLincoln was a major proponent of the banning of slavery, which was the main platform of Republicans in the 1800's.
The birth of the Republican Party in the North of the United States in the mid-1850s was caused by the sharp national tensions between pro-slavery and anti-slavery Americans. In particular, anti-slavery Americans who perceived a slide in America toward increased slave-holding determined that a new political organization was needed: thus was born the Republican Party, which soon had a strong impact upon the national situation.
The Democratic-Republicans
Abraham Lincoln felt there were factions within the Whig Party he could no longer agree with. There were both pro and anti-slave Whigs, mainly depending on what part of the country they were from. The New Republican party was comprised of former Whigs who were anti-slavery and wanted a party that just stood for that.
Abraham Lincoln felt there were factions within the Whig Party he could no longer agree with. There were both pro and anti-slave Whigs, mainly depending on what part of the country they were from. The New Republican party was comprised of former Whigs who were anti-slavery and wanted a party that just stood for that.
There was an intense division in Kansas due to some people being pro slavery while others were anti slavery. The result was such division of the state that the Republican party was found.
The Federalist Party was the first political party in the U.S. It's supporters believed in a strong federal government.The Republican party spun out of the Whig party. The Missouri Compromise of 1820 divided the country between the pro-slavery, agrarian South and anti-slavery, industrial North, Angered by the Kansas-Nebraska Act where settlers in these territories would decide if their state would be free or slave the anti-slavery members of the Whig party met to form a new party. The party's first nominating convention, in Philadelphia, June 17, 1856, announced the birth of the Republican Party as a unified political force.Clarification of the Republican Party TodayIt should be kept in mind that the Republican Party of today is the opposite of the Republican Party from the time of Lincoln and until 1964. Before then the Democratic Party was the pro-slavery party until the Civil Way and the pro segregation party after that until 1964. In 1964 the Civil Right Act was passed eliminating official segregation (Jim Crow laws which made segregation a legal institution were prohibited). This was seen by the segregationists (largely the South) as an act of the Democratic Party (Lyndon Johnson's initiative) so almost instantly supporters of segregation supporters switched from the Democratic to the Republican. So, the anti-slavery party of Lincoln became the pro segregation party and the Democratic Party, the pro slavery party before this historic date, became the friend of minorities and the powerless. So, keep in mind when today's Republicans say they're the party of Lincoln it's a trick -- the party name's the same but it's intents and beliefs, or at least were, the opposite. If you think about it, what sense does it make that the rebel states of the Civil War are supporters of Lincoln???
He was obviously pro-slavery.