yes she was, she said so in the britisch Friday Night show with Jonathan Ross
Amanda Balen
I hope so! her lead backup dancer mark kanemura is.
"Vintage Gaga" is a term used to describe Lady Gaga before she became 'Lady Gaga'.
Lady Gaga is not married and has never been.
No , Lady Gaga is not a Hermaphrodite
she had to gogo dance for a little while
Of course! she is better dancer than Katy
There both good
It is a matter of ones own opinion. Fans of Lady Gaga think that it is, while others do not.
yes many of them are but not all of them
pole dancer/stripper
yes she dance because in all her videos she dances.
No One her Gay Dancer Are In It She Sings it fully
Amanda Balen
Lady GaGa is a special artist because she is very unique. Her music is very popular, she is a great dancer and actress in some of her videos. Also her fashion is incredible and very inspiring! We love you Lady GaGa!
Lady Gaga was always a singer, she has been performing as a singer since she was 14. But she has in the past also been a burlesque dancer.