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Q: Was John Whites grandchild a boy or a girl?
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John Whites grandchild a boy or a girl?


Palin's grandchild a girl?

no, its is boy and his name is Tripp.

What do you call your brother's great grandchild?

Your brother's great grandchild is your great great nephew (if a boy) or great great niece (if a girl). You are their great great aunt.

What is the Sioux Indian word for Grandson?

The Lakota word t'akója means a grandchild (either boy or girl).You could also say t'akóšwaye - he or she is my grandchild. This is pronounced t.akoh-shwah-yay.

The difference between a girl white tree frog and a boy whites treefrog?

A girl whites will only sometimes croak and they will grow larger than the boy whites tree frog. A boy whites will have a brownish croaking pouch sometimes and they will be louder than the female. They are an extremely hard species to sex because these are the only differences. It is easier if you have 2 frogs around the same age that you can compare size to.

What should you call your daughter?

Narissia / girl Cheyenne / girl Kylah / girl Justine / girl Naomi / girl Shaleice / girl Taylor / girl Ana / girl Raelyn /girl Haeleigh / girl sydney / girl talia / girl Chris / boy Hakopa / boy Andre / boy Dion / boy Kayleb / boy Pantera / boy Isaiah / boy Elijah / boy Robert / boy Tamaki / boy Daniel / boy Mitchell / boy Pererika / boy Metua / boy Brayden / boy Shayden / boy Cravarn / boy

IS John a girl's name or boy's name?

John is a boy's name. Although John is a very common name, it can also be spelt Jon. It is not a girl's name.

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Duffy was a girl mURPHY WAS A BOY BUT THEY were the same donKEY

Did john lennons first wife have a girl or a boy?

A boy, Julian.

Is john Olivia a good name for a boy?

No it's not. Olivia is a girl name and John is a boy name

What are some tricks like spell ICUP?

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Does John Cena have a boy friend?

no john cena does not have a boy friend.But john cena have a wife name Lizabeth.She is a very pretty girl.