Yes. She smoked in nearly all of her films and it appeared as if she was undoubtedly a heavy smoker in everyday life.
Dorothy Provine's birth name is Michele Dorothy Provine.
Dorothy Provine was born on January 20, 1937.
Dorothy Provine died on April 25, 2010 at the age of 73.
Dorothy Provine died on April 25, 2010 at the age of 73.
Dorothy Provine was born on January 20, 1937 and died on April 25, 2010. Dorothy Provine would have been 73 years old at the time of death or 78 years old today.
Dorothy Provine was born on January 20, 1937.
There are many celebrities with the first name Dorothy including but not limited to Dorothy Knight, Dorothy Malone, Dorothy Arnold, Dorothy Provine and Dorothy Webb.
Walter M. Provine died in 1955.
Walter M. Provine was born in 1873.
You are probably thinking of the TV series "The Roaring 20's" that ran from 1960 to 1962, starring Dorothy Provine as Pinky Pinkham, a singer in a speakeasy.
The cast of The Smoker - 1910 includes: Charles Hill Mailes as The Father (unconfirmed) Frank Opperman as The Farmer Lottie Pickford Jack Pickford as The Boy Billy Quirk as George Dorothy West