WalMart is traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol WMT.
Walmart is not a mutual fund, rather it is an individual company. The stock symbol is WMT.
To get stock in Sam's Club, you buy Walmart stock - Sam's Club is a Walmart division. The symbol is WMT.
Walmart is an American multi-national retail corporation. The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) symbol is WMT. The company is the worlds third largest public corporation and the worlds biggest private employer with over two million employees worldwide.
Sams Club is a division of Walmart. Anyone can invest in Walmart whether they are a member of Sams Club or not. The ticker symbol is WMT. This has been a real hot stock lately April-June 2012.
The ticker symbol for Wal-Mart is WMT and is traded on the NYSE.== == The ticker symbol for Wal-Mart is WMT and it is traded on the New York Stock Exchange.
Walmart's internal stake (stock) holders are the board of directors. External stake (stock) holders are individuals that purchase Walmart stock.
The stock symbol was LIL.
The stock symbol for Ford is F.
GmbH is the Glock stock symbol.
There is NO stock symbol. Emigrant is privately owned, not publicly traded, thus no stock symbol.
Not a public traded company. No stock symbol