Volume is for pain, when semenx is for male enhancement. The two are completely diffrent medications.
Pills when they take the liquid they seem to throw it up also with pills you can give more of a better dose and without any spilling
Diet Pills are constantly advertised. But honestly, it is better not to take them. Diet pills can cause Heart Attacks.
Unless your taking a lot, and i mean A LOT, of pills you don't have to take them apart. They don't interfere with each others working at all. I would recommend eating something with both kind of pills, this is better for your stomach, and the pills will digest better.
Do some jumping-jacks instead. You will feel much better than if you take some pills.
Birth control pills are hormones and will not help you better if you take 4 at one time. You need to take a pill each day for them to work otherwise you are not protected.
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I suppose it depends on what type of pills they are... If they were prescribed by your doctor then they will help you get better, and pain killers are too, just as long as you don't take them all the time!
It's probably better if you take the pills. Thanks.
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You should only take the amount that your doctor or pharmacist has recommended. If your prescription says to take 2 pills, take 2 pills.
Take Pills was created on 2007-06-19.