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There are several medical sites that show how babies come out of the vagina during birth. YouTube also has different educational videos that show birthing videos.

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Q: Video of how baby comes out from vagina?
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Which orafice is a baby born from?

A baby comes out of the vagina.

What is a natural birth?

when the baby comes out from the woman's vagina

Where does the baby come out from when a women is in labor?

The uterus then the baby comes out through the vagina.

How does a baby born?

a unborn baby is born it comes through the vagina the vagina can expand to about the size of a baby and contract to the size if a pea this is why its u nique

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The baby travels from the Uterus( the womb), and out of the birth canal (the vagina).

How does babies born?

a unborn baby is born it comes through the vagina the vagina can expand to about the size of a baby and contract to the size if a pea this is why its u nique

Where does a baby come out of?

The baby comes out of the frontal private area called the vagina, located below where the penis is on a male body. The hole stretches like spandex, to let something bigger come out. The hole is as small as a dime and grows to a foot to let the baby out.

What does come out of hymen other then period?

The hymen is tissue that surrounds the opening to the vagina, nothing comes out of the hymen - it comes out of the vagia, past the hymen. What comes out of your vagina can be menstrual flow, discharge, and of course a baby.

What is the gliterous?

A vagina( the thing the peons goes in and the baby comes out located between the woman's legs)

Where do baby come out?

A baby comes out from it's mothers womb (which it has been in for 40 weeks/9 months) and then out of the vagina when the mother is giving birth.

How baby comes out by normal delivery?

Once the cervix is dialated the babys head than body come out the vagina

What is the name of the body parts that birth canal for the baby?

Once the cervix is dilated to 10 cm, then the baby comes out of the uterus through the cervix and travels to the vagina where it is born.