My Dad gave me one of these Model B Fox 12 ga shotguns when I was 15, 40 years ago. At the time, I think it was at least 15-20 years old. I have seen these for sale for around $200-$250, depending upon condition.
Generic Savage model 311 double barrel shotguns in good or better condition are selling for around $300. Prices vary by region, guage, barrel lengths, etc.
your savage model 311 double barrel is valued at between 130-275 dollars depending on condition.You can add 20% to those fiqures because it is a 20ga model.
Stevens savage model 311a double barrel shot gun with 28 inch barel
50-250 USD Whats the Value of Steevens Double Barrel Shot Gun Savage 12 Gage Model 311 Series H
The value of a Savage Fox model B series h double barrel shotgun with a serial number of B611255 depends on its condition. This gun in excellent condition is valued between 199.99 and 275.00 as of 2014.
Being a sxs its approx gun value is $350.00I
the stevans/savage double barrel 503a was made between 1936 and 1954
a common price range value of 150.00 to 225.00
Probably 1970's. Made by Savage for Sears. Value around $250.
$ 300-$500 if it is Police model with 18" Barrel, in good shape...I got one...
Blue Book of Gun Values will help.