im trying to determiane the value of a 12 gauge double barrel shotgun made in spain . there is no name on the gun thank you. jerry
Depending on EXACTLY what you have 100-10000 USD
What is the value oof a .410 gauge shotgun
What is the value Stevens firearms 1907 20 gauge pump shotgun? What is the value Stevens firearms 1907 20 gauge pump shotgun?
What is the value of a 12 gauge Browning shotgun serial J68824?
The value of a 12 gauge featherlight shotgun is $800.00 bucks canadian.
Value as a shooter. Find someone who collects this type and it may bring a small premium.
I have the same shotgun.
The value of a Simmons Royal double-barrel 12 gauge shotgun varies by its condition.
What is the value of a 12 gauge double barrel shotgun made in 1970?
remington wingmaster 16 gauge
The value of a Mossberg Model 500e 410 gauge shotgun overages between $200 and 300. The actual value of the shotgun is largely determined by its overall condition.