depends on condition (overall). suggest your look up smith carbines on: cp;; look for smith carbine matching yours (condition) then look at auction/selling price
Send me some pics of the smith carbine and I may be able to give a value. Condition is all important.............
Well, the Smith Carbine was in use right after the end of the American Civil War- an original is going to be a long search among antique gun dealers. Pietta of Italy does make a REPRODUCTION of the Smith- check their website, and their stocking dealers.
Depends on who made it.
Impossible to answer without a detailed description of all markings.
Plainfield carbines were a civilian version of the miltary carbine. Value is low, about $200.
Well the MSRP Price of a Winchester Saddle Ring Carbine Is $1639.99 if that is any help
you stole them........ value depends of make & condition. $400-$650
$200 - $600, give or take.
about 1000
400 TO 500
While similar in appearance to the military M1 Carbine, the Universal brand carbine may or may not share parts with those. They are considered to be of lesser quality than the military carbine, and prices are about half of the GI Carbine.