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10-5000 USD depending on specifics

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Q: Value of original matching numbers 98k mauser?
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What is the value of a mauser 30-06?

Mauser Waffenfabrik never manufactured a .30-06 rifle. You MIGHT have an M1917 rifle, which can be worth over $1200 in good condition and all matching serial numbers.

Value 8mm German mauser mod 98 1944?

$175 to $800 depending on condition and matching parts.

What is the value of an original Portuguese Mauser rifle?

It depends what model and if it is in goood shape or not

What is a German luger byf 41 worth with all matching parts?

value depends on overall condition. your mauser COULD be worth $900-$1200

What is the value of a German mauser 6.35 mm pistol with original holster and rounds?

$300.00-500.00 usd

Does having a 68 GM factory replacement engine in a 67 camaro lower the value or change the matching numbers?

Yes, it lowers the value. The numbers will no longer match. Keeping the original engine is the ideal situation which will make the car worth more.

What is the value of Model 1890 Winchester pump- probably third edition serial number 254369 and 100 percent original matching part numbers rechambered?

There is no way you can call it 100% original if it is re-chambered.

What is the value of a 32 caliber belgian luger pistol with original holster 3 bullets matching serial numbers and made of nickel or stainless steel?

Value is too difficult to be accurate without seeing the gun. Condition which includes the amount of original finish and original configuration will determine value. Recommend taking it to a gun shop for appraisal.

What is the value of a Mauser serial 22663 all serial numbers match?

50-1000 USD depending on specifics

What is value of a mauser wtp-6.35-drp pistol?

It depends on condition and rarity. There are several variations of the 1st and second models. The current, 2012 value for a model 1 ranges from $350 - 1000+ and for model 2 the range is $400 - 2000+. These values are for examples in good or better condition with all matching serial numbers and no missing or damaged parts. The + on the high end would be for excellent condition, rare variation with a special factory original feature(s).

What is a spanish mauser 7mm worth?

rsi would say the value of the spanish mauser and bayonet value at 695.99 dollars

What is the value of a Walther P1 manufactured 1958 and all matching numbers?

50-500 USD