value of any firearms depends on overall condition and collectibility. the h&r is not a great collector piece. Also, there is no 22 cal 'shotgun' ??? check the gun barrel to see caliber listed.
Seen this model on Gun, asking price was between $575 and $650.
Depends on caliber. Typically $550-$650. Nice rifles.
There are several different versions. Sales prices vary from $450 to $650.
Depending on how "good" good conditon is, between $650 and $850.
Most savage model 99F rifles in .300 savage caliber will sell for between 450-650 dollars depending on overall condition and a good bore.
Fairly scarce pistol, most were in .32 caliber. Depending on condition, $650-$850. Likely a model 1907. (Patent dates will always be earlier than date of manufacture or Model date)
50-650 usd
600-650 USD depending on condition.
exc-800, v.g.-650, good- 500, fair-350, poor-250 dollars