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Q: Value of firearms international corperation rifle?
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You were wondering the value of a Firearms International 7mm Mag rifle with a Mauser action?

100-500 USD or so

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What is the value of a pre 64 firearms international 264 win mag rifle you think it may have a saco action and sako barrel?


What is the value of a firearms international corp 243 caliber bolt action rifle?

Need more information. Value will depend upon original maker (F.I.E. was the importer) and condition of the firearm.

What is the price of an Firearms International Corps 270 Rifle?

50-450 usd

What is the value of an all metal single shot double trigger 22 long rifle stamped with firearms international co?

FIC was an importer. 50-100 maybe

How much is a firearms international 264 cal rifle worth?

50-450 usd

Looking for the value of a 30-06 rifle made by international firearms corporation in Washington dc?

They were an importer. They did not make firearms. Provide a DETAILED description of ALL markings, barrel length, stock material, sights, type of action.

What is the value of a firearms international corp.washington d.c. belgium made .270 model fn 1950 bolt action rifle?

I have a 270 firearms international .I think it's 1954 but no model number. All i see is 20 on all three spots Berle and the center. my dad bot-it 1954 for 275$

What is the value of a universal firearms corp rifle scope?

10-80 USD or so

What year was the model B7816 Single shot rifle made from Firearms International Corporation of Washington DC?

No records for this importer of firearms, and they are now closed. Sorry-

Who made firearms international rifels?

Without a better description of the rifle - German, Belgina, Italian, CZ, FYR