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I believe your air gun was made by Diana. Who made air rifles for HY-Score. I think it's a Diana model 23. If so then it's worth between $45-$60 in good condition.

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Q: Value of HY Score mod 813?
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Several companies made rifles for Hy-Score. Price values are all over the place on this Air-rifle. It all depends on whose name is on the actual rifle. I do believe that it was made by Diana, But that is just a guess. I highly suggest that you get a hold of the book "Bluebook of Airguns 9th edition" and go to the HY-Score section and start reading you have a lot of work to do to determine this value.

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Blue book of airguns list this, air pistol, as originally made by" Anschutz: 8.3/4 ounces" for Hy-Score. It is a toy like pistol and gives no value.

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The Hy-Score BB gun was made between 1949-1970. to get an estimate of value I need to know the current condition of the pistol. Is it still working is it in Poor, Fair, Good, Very Good, or Excellent condition?

What is the worth of a hy score pellet rifle mod 808?

To find that out, you need to check out the Blue Book of Air Guns Vol #8. Plus it also depends on what kind of condition the gun is in. ------------------------------------ Unfortunately Hy score model 808 is not listed in the "Blue book of airguns 8th edition," nor is it listed in volumes 9 or 10 editions.

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10 years in a Federal jail if the BATFE stamp is not present. If it is, 150 or so

Is there an instruction manual for the Hy-Score target model?

Go to the link below- Look under "H" section and "The Hy-score Story" section.

What year hy-score 814 was made pistol?

It's a Diana Model 2 air pistol sold under the Hy Score name in the 1960s.