FYI - My son left my LC Smith Ideal Grade, with 32" barrels, at the shooting range last weekend. ...any chance you may have found it? I'm offering a reward!
What is the value of a Beebe arms double barrel shotgun?
estimated value of a double-barrel J T randall shotgun
What is the value of a 12 gauge double barrel shotgun made in 1970?
1901 single barrel shotgun, washingtion
What is the value of a noble 12 guage model 60 shotgun with a 32 inch barrel?
The value of a Simmons Royal 16 gauge double barrel shotgun depends on a number of factors. Most important being the age and condition of the shotgun.
a monkey
about $100 US.
gaucha 410 double barrel shotgun
i.have.a.j-reynolds-double barrel 16ga belguim rabbit ear shotgun seaking information
Unknown maker.
I need the answer