You shouldn't ask WikiAnswers what you want to have on you for the rest of your life. Two words? Get Original.
its a tattoo saying gone to soon she had it in remembrance of Michael Jackson
Avril Lavigne has a star on her wrist
That you like strawberries. Or strawberry tattoos, anyway..
His son name Cobie and his birth date
Yes a crown on his right wrist and a bird on his left hand
Harry has the words "a tattoo" on his let wrist. & the word "Bare" on his foot.
Sienna Miller has a dove tattoo on her wrist.
A small leaf tattoo on her right wrist, "Jesus" on her left wrist, a matching tattoo on the inside of her right arm, and a peppermint and a strawberry on two separate ankles.
i know that Jessica has Love written on her wrist, but i only know that she has 1 tattoo on 1 wrist. But Lisa has a tattoo on the opposite wrist then Jessica that says fate. x
Yes, the tattoo is 'called' <A tattoo> and it was probably made when he was drunk. :P
"What goes around comes around" on right wrist, "Tru Luv" on right wrist and a razor blade on her left wrist
Jess: Has a tattoo saying "love" on her left wrist The words "where words fail, music speaks" on her left shoulder blade. she has lyrics on her hip a girl on her calf Lisa: Has "Fate" on her wrist Has the same lyrics as jess They both have "JCL"
Zak's tattoo on his right wrist is something to do with vampires. -GAC's #1 fan :)
no idea what they want tattoo
Yes it does, -.-