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You shouldn't ask WikiAnswers what you want to have on you for the rest of your life. Two words? Get Original.

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Q: Two words for a wrist tattoo?
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What does harry judds tattoo say?

Harry has the words "a tattoo" on his let wrist. & the word "Bare" on his foot.

Who is the celebrity who has a dove tattoo on her wrist?

Sienna Miller has a dove tattoo on her wrist.

What are katy perry's tattoos?

A small leaf tattoo on her right wrist, "Jesus" on her left wrist, a matching tattoo on the inside of her right arm, and a peppermint and a strawberry on two separate ankles.

Jess from veronicas has two tattoos on her wrists one on either what are they?

i know that Jessica has Love written on her wrist, but i only know that she has 1 tattoo on 1 wrist. But Lisa has a tattoo on the opposite wrist then Jessica that says fate. x

What are Harry judd's tattoos?

Yes, the tattoo is 'called' <A tattoo> and it was probably made when he was drunk. :P

What does pinks wrist tattoo say?

"What goes around comes around" on right wrist, "Tru Luv" on right wrist and a razor blade on her left wrist

Which veronica has the pure tattoo?

Jess: Has a tattoo saying "love" on her left wrist The words "where words fail, music speaks" on her left shoulder blade. she has lyrics on her hip a girl on her calf Lisa: Has "Fate" on her wrist Has the same lyrics as jess They both have "JCL"

What is the tattoo on Zak Bagans wrist?

Zak's tattoo on his right wrist is something to do with vampires. -GAC's #1 fan :)

What does a star tattoo on a girls wrist mean?

no idea what they want tattoo

When get wrist tattoo hurt?


Does a tattoo on the wrist cut the veins?

Yes it does, -.-

Can a tattoo on your wrist cause serious damage?
