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It must be declared and inspected by the staff of the airline carrier at the main ticket/baggage gate. It must be kept in an airline approved lockable, hard sided carrying case with no outside mention of a gun and then it must be stored in the cargo hold of the aircraft.

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Q: Transporting a gun on a plane?
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gun trafficing is illegal. transporting for sale of illegal weapons.

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The same way it flies if you are not transporting a plant, by carefully balancing lift, weight, thrust and drag.

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Does the pressure in the plane if you fire a gun in it?

Not really.

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A car, train, bus, air plane, or any kind of vehicle.

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Can you land a private plane in Mexico with a gun in the plane?

No. Arms and ammo are illegal in Mexico.

Can a SC officer pull you over while transporting a prisoner?

depending on the size of your truck and the size of your gun

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No, you will not be able to put the airsoft gun on a remote control plane and shoot remotely.

How can I bring my bike on a plane?

To bring your bike on a plane, you can disassemble it and pack it in a bike box or bag. Make sure to check with your airline for specific guidelines and fees for transporting bikes.

Can you travel from Houston to Tennessee with a gun?

It depends on what you mean. If you have a permit to carry a gun, you can carry in Tennessee (TN recognizes permits from any state). If you are talking about transporting the gun, you can transport a gun basically anywhere in the U.S. without a permit as long as the gun is unloaded and not accessible.