more common you chief, your high will be brief, more time between toking, for long highs after smoking
it depends on how strong it is and what the tolerance of the users are.
You can develop a tolerance, but you can always still get high. To build up a really strong tolerance you need to smoke lots of pot numerous times a day, not suggested.
bahahaha u don't lose a tolerance to pot...... Ur funny
The amount of THC in a milligram of marijuana can vary depending on the potency of the strain. On average, a milligram of marijuana could contain anywhere from 0.1% to 1% THC. It's important to remember that the effects of marijuana can vary based on factors such as individual tolerance and consumption method.
I'm assuming no, the military has a zero tolerance level for anything marijuana related and if you have a medical marijuana card, you most likely have a debilitating medical condition that makes you ineligible anyway, otherwise you're cheating the system and they don't want liars either. Sorry.
"The speed of cheeba" typically refers to how quickly the effects of marijuana (cheeba) are felt after consumption. It can vary depending on factors like the method of consumption, the potency of the strain, and individual tolerance levels.
because if you smoke it on a regular basis you gain a tolerance. some people say that when a user's tolerance is too strong, they turn to a stronger drug like cocaine. personally i disagree, most marijuana users go on breaks where they don't smoke for a period of time and lose some of their tolerance
Probably. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if the "company medical" was nothing more than a drug screening. They might have you fill out a medical questionairre, record your height, weight and check your blood pressure to make it look more like a medical exam.
Smoking potpourri will not produce a high similar to that of smoking weed, as the effects are not caused by the same substances. Potpourri may contain synthetic cannabinoids or other unknown chemicals that can be dangerous when smoked. It is not a safe or effective alternative to using marijuana.
Individual tolerance to cannabis can increase over time, causing the effects to diminish. This is known as tolerance build-up, and it may result in needing higher doses to achieve the same high. Taking a break from using cannabis, known as a tolerance break, can help reset your tolerance levels and allow you to feel the effects again.
Getting a medical marijuana card can be done by anyone. I swear, it seems like you can get one for having just a hangnail in Colorado. But, medical marijuana card or not, you come up hot in a urinalysis, and your career is over. FMCSR does not allow for any exceptions on the zero tolerance policy for drugs.
Most likely because of tolerance, the more your body is used to marijuana, the more it will fight it. Besides, not having red eyes is good :).