A derogatory statement implying the person referred to is uneducated, unaware--perhaps from a very rural, isolated place. Also, in defense, a declaration: " I didn't just fall off a turnip truck, you know." Meaning, "I'm aware of what you are up to."
A balcony.
Las Vegas in 1973
In paparazzi lady gaga is pushed off a balcony by boyfriend because he gets angry
She falls off a building in R2 episode 13 but Lelouch and Suzaku catch her.
Oh, dude, Michael Jackson's nose didn't just fall off like a banana peel. He had multiple surgeries that changed its appearance over time. So, technically, his nose didn't fall off, but it definitely went through some serious transformations.
In 1836 there was a great famine in Europe and the only produce available were turnips. People would gather around the wagons as they approached and were often hit by them causing brain damage.
A turnip.
Ball-joint needs replaced most likely.
No. Colt use to call it "my truck"
a black turnip is a turnip that went for a mud bath
Turnip in French is un navet.
A turnip is a vegetable quite like potato but slightly sweeter. A turnip is a round root vegetable. It is white at the bottom and purple or red at the top.
no, a turnip is not a bird - it is a vegetable
Turnip is a noun.
A turnip is a root vegetable.
Yes, it is.