

Best Answer

87 ounces is about 11 glasses, considering most glasses are around 8 or so ounces. This also applies to bottled drinks, as many water bottles come in either 8 or 16 fluid ounce bottles. Some of this wtaer can come from other foods high in water, like certain fruits and vegetables (Like grapefruit or lettuce.)

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Q: To drink 87 oz of water How much is that?
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Qt oz.

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You are 13 and you want to know how much water you should drink every day?

you should drink half your body weight in fluid oz.

How much weight will I lose if I drink 92 oz of water a day?

Drinking excessive water is no guarantee of weight loss.

Is 40 oz of water too much to drink at once?

Yes, if you take it all in one gulp. If you want to drink it in one day, and your body really requires it, then no, it's not too much to drink.

How much water does it take to clense soda out of your system?

Drink 3 times as much water as soda to completely flush out the soda. 1 can of soda=36 oz of water

How many sips does it take to drink a 16 oz bottle of water?

It depends how much liquid is in one sip.

How much water do you need to drink to replace the bodys electrolytes after drinking one can of Diet Coke?

16 oz.

How many bottles of Oz water you have to drink to equal a gallon?

The answer depends on the size of the bottles.

How many 16.9fl oz of water do ineed to drink to get 64 ounces?

You would need to drink 4 bottles of 16.9 fl oz water to get a total of 64 ounces.

How many oz equal to87 oz?


How much oz of water should you really have a day?

If you drink six to eight, eight-ounce glasses of water a day, that is usually enough water for a human. However, if you're thirsty, drink more, and don't drink too much too late in the evening, because you may be awakened by the urge to eliminate the water you drank so late.