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If a girl likes to put her hand around your waist, she either likes you as a friend or she is interested in you as possible boyfriend material. If she does this with a lot of people, it could just be a habit she's developed.

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11mo ago

She may feel a connection with you and is comfortable showing physical affection. This gesture could indicate that she is interested in you or simply enjoys being close to you. It's important to communicate openly with her to understand her intentions better.

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Q: This girl always likes to put her hand around my waist why?
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Maybe, it depends on which guy it is.

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around her waist

When a girl say she alway have a good time with you?

Then she really means that she likes to be around you and that she always has a good time, and she probably likes you but she doesn't want to tell you or is too shy.

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Theyll always want to be around you. And youll see them looking at you in class in the corner of your eye.

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Either he/she likes you

Is it possible to tell if a girl likes you?

Yes... if she's always smiling when she's around you if she does anything to be around you if she flirts just straight up ask her

This girl is always draging me around do you think she likes me?

No, she probably has the hots for your best friend and is hoping to get closer to him by dragging you around everywhere. Good luck!

How do you know if a 5 grade girl likes you?

well i just came from the 5th grade last year and im a girl so i would say if she likes you she will be shy around you and will always try to sit talk or be around you and she will probably stare at you when your not looking lol.

If a girl hugs you around the neck where should you hug her back waist?

you should put your hands around her waist and hold your hand around her back and kinda hold her tight