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Well... why did you reject him in the first place? Okay. i think i kind of get you. You dont want to be the easy-to-get kind of girls i assumed? Or were you too nervous to say yes? Well... its totally normal. i think. If he asked you that means he is most likely interested in you. Theres this boy who said he loved me but he never had the guts to ask me out. And by the time he did, i already moved on. You can maybe try hinting to him, you know? like try... "have you seen [movie's name]? I really want to watch it but all my friends arent free..." or you can just simply just wait. if he likes you and can own up the guts, he'll ask you again. even if he doesnt ask you, it probably means he's scared of getting rejected once more, not because he is not remotely interested in you.

Good luck!

hope this helps.

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Q: There is boy I liked for very long time and he asked me out once and I rejected him and then a few months later I want him - what do I do?
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If there is boy you liked for very long time and he asked me out once and i rejected him and than a few months later you want him?

First, make sure that your feelings for the boy are genuine and not just a temporary interest. Reflect on why you rejected him earlier and consider if those reasons still apply. If you genuinely feel interested in him, it's worth having an open and honest conversation with him about your feelings and see if he might be open to giving the relationship another chance.

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It probably means that he had interest in you to begin with but also liked another girl more, and asked her out first, got rejected, then tried to talk to you.

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hell no. It doesn't sound like it.

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