There are many people that believe that there are no ugly loves nor handsome prisons. This means that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
She is not overly beautiful, nor ugly- just plain Jane.
No. Fortunately, for some of us, being ugly is not illegal and therefore cannot be the subject of a restraining order. An ugly person cannot be restrained from coming withing a certain distance of you nor can that person be restrained from being ugly any more.
There is no appropriate nor socially acceptable way of telling someone that they are ugly. On the lighter side, the best and most appropriate time of notifying someone that they are ugly is when they are interviewing you for a job or arresting you. To be honest, jus be real and say you ugly
This is based on opinion, but I think im average, nor ugly nor pretty, ive learnt to not hate my image but I havent learnt to love it either :)
I dont believe so. I think they are really beautiful people. Hey maybe Susmita Sen and Aishworya Rai were once a Only the young females are attractive - everyone else is either homely or right ugly.
If you say so, but this is neither a question nor interesting.
No one knows nor cares as Miley Cyrus is an ugly talentless dog.
u have to be different
Spike, he loves her for who she is. Angel could never accept the whole slayer thing nor his being a vampire
Ryu Hayabusa loves neither Ayane nor Kasumi. He's married to Irene Lew ((canon)).
he is so gay that none one likes him nor do they want to be with him he rapes little kids and he is gay he loves to go to the kings thrown and kiss him all ever where on his body and he loves to eat cake......
Well it means he doesn't really love you truly he just loves your company from time to time but he is not ready to stick to you nor to spend the rest of his life with you.. bottom line.. that's not a true love and am sorry to say that.