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Isotonic is the word you're looking for.

Isotonic means the tension remains the same, but the length can change.

Isometric means the length remains the same, but the tension can change.

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Q: The type of contraction in which there is a change in the length of a muscle but no change in its tension?
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A contraction in which there is no change in muscle length but there is a great increase in muscle tension is?

isometric contractions

What happens If a muscle is applied to a load that exceeds the muscle's maximum tension?

The muscle length will not change during a contraction.

The muscle decreases in muscle length during contraction but tension is the same?

Isotonic contraction

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Isotonic ContractionIsotonic Contraction

What is static muscle contraction?

Contraction in which opposing muscles contract against each other and prevent movement. Fixation action of a muscle in a static contraction is termed isometric, because it develops tension without changing length.

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What is the type of contraction in which the muscle fibers produce increased tension but does not shorten?

An isometric contraction builds tension but there is no joint movement.

What contraction that shortens the muscle but does not increase tension is called?

It is called concentric isotonic contraction.

Walking is an example of which type of contraction?

Walking is an example of isotonic type of contraction. These are contractions which will force the length of the muscle to change and cause movement.

What is key variable in isometric contraction?

Muscle length is what doesn't change, so the variable would be the amount of force exerted on the muscle.

A contraction in which a skeletal muscle does not shorten but its tension increases is called isometric?

An isometric contraction is the name given to a skeletal muscle that does not shorten, but increases tension. The muscles generate force to protect themselves.

In an isotonic contraction the muscle?

shortens while maintaining constant tension.