some people might refer to it as "Delayed Gratification". You sacrificed getting something immediately with credit by taking the time to actually save up enough money to get something without using credit.
The song is called Sacrifice, by T.A.T.U.
the seven sacraments.Catholic AnswerThe central saving act for Catholics is the sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross in which He offered His life to atone for our sins and to reunit us to God. This sacrifice is made present, sacramentally, in the most Holy Eucharist, and it's sacramental graces are applied to our lives in all seven sacraments. But the central saving act is Christ's alone.
Its called a passbook
A Passbook
She made a sacrifice so her parents could take a vacation.Jesus Christ's death was a sacrifice. During Lent, my sacrifice seemed unimportant.
You keep saving up your sacrifice coins and complete quest after another
its called saving up
A Passbook
it's called a dig.