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West Africa.

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Q: The roots of jazz began with slaves who were brought to America against their will They were primarily from?
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Which people are the descendants of people who were brought to the America's against their will?

Slaves were brought to the colonies.

What group of people came to America against their will?

West Africans, brought to the USA in the slave-trade

What time period were slaves brought into America?

The time period that slaves were brought into America was between 1619 to 1789. Most of the slaves came in from 1720.

When where the slaves first brought to America?

1619 they were brought into jamestown

Why were slaves brought from America to Africa?

Why of course to make a living off the backs of the slaves. They brought slaves to America to work their fields and land pretty much they built this country off the backs of the slaves.

Were any Ethiopians brought to America as slaves?


How African American came to the US?

They came from from Africa during the slave trade and they were also brought to America against there will sold as slaves

What instrument came to America with the slaves when they were brought from Africa?

The Harp came to America when the slaves came over.

Who brought sugar to North America and when?

Native and African slaves brought it to Asia??????

The majority of African slaves were sent to?

he majority of African slaves were sent to South America and the Caribbean. Only a small portion of the slaves were sent to North America.

Who was treated like property when brought to America?


Why were slaves from Africa brought to Latin America?

Slaves from Africa were brought to Latin America to work on plantations and in mines, as the demand for labor grew due to the expansion of the Spanish and Portuguese colonies. The transatlantic slave trade provided a cheap and abundant workforce to exploit the resources of the New World.