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Related questions

Does alcohol speeds your reflexes and reaction time?

Exactly the opposite. It SLOWS your reflexes and reaction times.

How does alcohol increase reaction time?

It Doesn't, alcohol Slows reaction times down and makes you ll wobbly, great fun though,

What effect does alcohol have on reaction time?

It slows reaction times down. Quickly & heavily if you drink lots of it within a few hours.

What does alcohol do to the body?

Alcohol is a depressant - it slows down things like reaction time and healing time and inhibitions. It also stresses your liver and dehydrates you by causing excess urination.

What effects do coke and chocolate have on your reaction time?

It slows down your reaction times :)

How does alcohol affect your sport?

Alcohol is a depressant, which means that it slows bodily functioning and reactions time.

Do Hallucinogens Slow What if your Reaction Time?

It slows it down. It's a depressant. It slows your breathing, heart rate, brain, etc.

How does ketamine affect driving?

Slows reaction time and affects judgement of distances

Does alcohol speed up reaction time and promotes good judment?

No, alcohol does not speed up reaction time, alcohol infact INCREASES SPEED of reaction time, thus SLOWING DOWN reactions. Alcohol doesnt promote good judgement, it impares it due to the slow down in activity of the neurones in the brain.

Why does drinking slow down your reaction time?

Alcohol is a depressant, and affects your brain by depressing its reaction time.

When driving Reaction time is slower after?

Drinking Alcohol

Is it proven that internet slows down thinking?

yes, it is proven that the internet can slow down reaction time.