The female organ that a developing baby grows in is the uterus.
It is called a "uterus".
The female organ that is small and pear-shaped and expands during pregnancy is the uterus. It is where a fertilized egg implants and grows into a fetus, increasing in size as the pregnancy progresses.
The uterus is the organ in which babies grow. vs. Food get digested in the stomach.
Though children learn to call the entire belly the "stomach", the whole belly is technically called the abdomen. The organ, stomach, is in the top of the abdomen near your ribs. A baby grows in the organ, the uterus. The uterus is in the lowest part of the abdomen, near your pubic bone. The uterus is sort of like a balloon; as the baby grows, the uterus expands upward, toward the organ the stomach.
A baby isn't made in a stomach, It is conceived in the womb, and grows in there, via cell reproduction.
I'm going to assume you mean 'placenta'. It is the organ that grows along with the baby in the uterus and is attached to the uterus and the baby, via the navel, providing nourishment to the baby during gestation. It is delivered after the baby at birth and the connection to the baby is severed.
The scientific name for the place a baby human develops is the uterus. It is a pear-shaped organ where the fertilized egg implants and grows into a fetus during pregnancy.
No, boys do not have a uterus. The uterus is a female reproductive organ where a baby grows during pregnancy. Boys have different reproductive organs, such as the testes and penis.
A fetus that grows into a baby.