There is no patron saint of texting.
You can make $ texting if you do it right.
public attitudes to texting is that it has benn changed to the 20th centary
Yes, texting (done on a cellphone) is verbal nonverbal communication.
Yes, to an extent. It will cost extra to get unlimited free texting with your plan, and Verizon will still charge you extra for texting internationally.
Cool as a cucumber for texting :-)
Oh, I see
The meaning of AD is After Death and the meaning of BC is Before Christ.
25519 meaning so sorry i have boy friend
"its no big deal" is the meaning of inbd
"its no big deal" is the meaning of inbd
Bi is a slang term in texting meaning "good bye". This is similar to saying "wat" instead of "What". by using less letters, one can save a few seconds in texting.
what is 62 BC MEANING
The "word" yrd is used in Texting meaning yard.
What is the meaning of WYM in
hehe is a soft laugh where as haha is a strong laugh!;)
mc-madarchod bc-behenchod it is as simple as pencil