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Q: The issue of slavery gave birth to which major political party?
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What major political issue dominated the country between 1850 1860?


Not a major political issue before 1819?

The expansion of slavery into the territory west of Missouri

What major political party was born out of the slavery issue?

The Republican party. Before the republican party existed the Whig party, which shortly withered away when slavery was first introduced, it could not stand against the Democratic Party. Thus giving birth to the Republican Party.

What was a major social issue of the mid 19th century?

One big issue was slavery.

What major issue was not mentioned in the Declaration of Independence?


What major issue raised the political states in 1820s and 30s?

1828 and 1832 Congress passes tariffs on important goods which benefit northern manufactures but hurt southern planters.

What was the major issue in the 'era of the democrats?

The major issue in the era of the democrats between 1800-1860 was slavery and high tariffs.

What was the issue that fragmented the Democratic Party in mid 1800's?

The major issue in the era of the democrats between 1800-1860 was slavery and high tariffs.

Why did slavery become a major national issue in 1850?

the issue of slavery became important again in 1850. At that time, california requested to join the union as a free state.

Which was the major issue causing sectional conflict in the mid-9th century?


What do you think was the major issue that led to the Civil War?

The interpretation of states rights, particularly related to issue of slavery

What became the major issue in the United states in the 1850s and what was different about the way voters were split on the issue?

the expansion of slavery