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Q: The food for the growing embryo inside the eggs is in?
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Where is the food for growing embryo inside the eggs?

The yolk supplies all the nutrients for the growing embryo.

How do ducks eat inside their eggs?

The yolk of the egg is the "food" for the growing embryo. When the duckling emerges from the egg the yolk has been all used up.

What is inside an olive seed?

my sweet heart also the embryo of an olive tree, and some food for the embryo to consume when and if it is able to start growing.

What is the source of food for the growing embryo inside the eggs of birds?

It's a sack and not an egg but the primary food source, the only one, is the placenta and the nutrients go via the umbilical cord.

What is the food source of the growing embryo of the seed?

That depends on what animal because baby chickens feed on the yolk inside the egg while a human embryos get food and oxygen from their mother's umbilical cord.

Does the stigma of a plant contain food for the embryo?

the ---------- contains food for the embryo?

Where do developing chicks in eggs obtain their food?

They get their nourishment from the yolk inside the egg. As the embryo develops, it absorbs the yolk until it's ready to hatch.

What inside a reptiles embryo provides food?

The yolk inside the egg.

How does an embryo get its nourishment inside the mother womb?

Embryo gets its food via placenta .

Why can the embryo survive inside the seed for a long time?

The plant embryo can suvive inside the ssed because it derives its food from the endosperm and cotyledon.

Where the chicken embryo develops?

See the related Wikipaedia link for detailed information.

What part inside a seed contains embryo food?

the cotyledons